How did we get here? #SOL24 Day 5

Kate marched down the hallway playing the melodica. (One week ago, I had never even heard of a melodica!) The office staff followed her clapping and singing. Songs like, “If you’re happy and you know it” and “Mary Had a Little Lamb.” Teachers’ faces registered a look of confusion at first, but then most broke into a smile, some even laughter. Now, how did we get here, to this point of utter silliness in the name of bringing joy to our building?

It began with a book. (Don’t most good things?) Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaouad. I wrote about her book here in #SOL22. This book had a tremendous impact on me. As a cancer survivor and someone who loves words, reflection, and especially the combination of the two, I could relate to many parts of Suleika’s journey. I have been tempted to reread this book, as it has so many nuggets of truth sprinkled throughout the memoir. My officemate, Kate, also read this book and was deeply impacted by it.

Then it transitioned into following Suleika’s life through her weekly newsletter, The Isolation Journals. If you don’t receive this, I highly recommend signing up. Suleika shares her heart in each letter, along with a writing prompt from a guest author/creator. In the last year, Suleika’s leukemia returned, and she writes of this, along with many other topics in her emails.

Through the Isolation Journals, I learned that Suleika and her husband, John Batiste, were working on a documentary. American Symphony chronicles John’s endeavor to compose an original symphony while Sulieka learns that her cancer has returned. It is a beautiful story full of love and creativity.

You may ask, what does this have to do with marching in the halls with a melodica? Well, the events continued to unfold. We learned John would be in concert in a nearby town. The office staff made a night of dinner and his concert. We had the most amazing night! John is a brilliant entertainer. He sang everything from R & B to Pop to Rock and Roll while playing the piano, drums, saxophone, guitar, melodica, and more. The pinnacle of the show was his encore…John entered the audience playing his melodica to sing along cover songs. He even made it up to the balcony playing “Strumming My Pain with His Fingers.“

So that, in a nutshell, is how we got there! Kate jumped on Amazon and purchased her very own melodica. She is learning new songs everyday. It is quite a hit at school. Now, if only John could see what an impact he’s made on us and our whole school!


A Saturday Treat #SOL24 Day 2

The owner of a quaint bookshop in a nearby town introduced me to the author Margaret Renkl. I became an instant fan when I read Late Migrations: A Natural History of Love and Loss. Margaret writes about nature, life experiences, small joys, childhood memories, etc. Her books are little slices of her daily life in Nashville, Tennessee.

Her most recent collection is titled The Comfort of Crows: A Backyard Year. She writes of observations from her own yard throughout each season. There is a weekly entry full of description and wisdom that the plants and animals share with her.

Every Saturday I look forward to spending a little extra time in the morning savoring one of her entries. I’m eager to start the spring section…only a few more weeks.


Aren’t I Lucky #SOL23 Day 1

“Wow, she got old!” And all I could think was, “Aren’t I lucky?”

I recently finished listening to Katie Couric’s autobiography, Going There. Growing up watching Katie on the Today show, I was fascinated by the story of her life…behind the scenes at new shows, her grief at losing her husband and sister, raising her daughters, new loves, and much more. But I had to stop and catch my breath at the last line of the epilogue. In response to a comment left on an Instagram post when she was working in the garden with no make up on, someone commented, “Wow, she got old!.” And Katie’s response was, “Aren’t I lucky?”

When I look in the mirror, I see a face I don’t recognize. No hair, full, puffy moon face. My body doesn’t feel the same way it did five months ago. I walk and don’t feel like myself. I have a foreign object inserted on the left side of my chest just below my collarbone. But when I heard these words, I was reminded I am here. I have endured this battle. There is light at the end of the tunnel, and I can see it approaching. Much of 2023 has been a dark time for me, but Aren’t I lucky?

March 1st. I’ve been eager for this month to get here. It signifies spring, new beginnings, and my journey back to health. I knew winter would be hard, but this date marks rebirth and renewal for my body, mind, and spirit. I’m not sure what type of writing #SOL23 will bring, but I know there will be many themes of “Aren’t I lucky?”

I am participating in the Slice of Life month long writing challenge hosted by Two Writing Teachers.

Bookish Care

Photo by Alexander Grey on

As I navigate a season of healing, people have cared for me in many ways: meals, check in texts, flowers, snail mail, self care gifts, restaurant gift cards, and so much more. I am blessed to be so supported and loved by my family, friends, school, and community.

Those who know me well, have shown care in bookish ways. I love everything about books, bookstores, libraries, words, paper, pencils, pens, journals, etc. So naturally, those who have shown their love in a bookish way have shown me extra special care. These kind gifts have brought much happiness and joy during a challenging time:

  • A gorgeous picture book to savor in small doses as I anxiously awaited news about pending test results.
  • A delivery of a box full of recent titles a friend read and passed on.
  • A gift of a book from my Goodreads “To Read” list. I thought this was brilliant!
  • A visit from a dear friend with my favorite coffee in hand and two new releases from our local bookstore. I choose the book I wanted to read first and my friend is reading the other. Then we will switch. I envision some lovely books conversations, also!
  • Offers to pick up my holds from the public library
  • Gift cards to our local bookstore and Amazon
  • Texts from a friend with pictures of her finished books and then her subsequent offer to drop off any I was interested in reading (I took her up on three of them and loved them!)
  • A sweet gift of a library mug, coaster, and bag with library card imprint
  • My husband’s equal love of books and him taking me on outings to read (local coffee shops, state park benches with lovely views)

As I get closer to returning to “normal” life, I want to remember these acts of kindness. I know how these thoughtful gifts have made me feel. I will pay it forward as others are in need of encouragement. And just maybe, this post will equip you with some ways to help your bookish friends in their time of need!

#bookmail #SOL22 Day 30

it's the best kind of mail

as you walk up the driveway
you spot it
a box at the door

this is an unexpected package
you order a lot of #bookmail
but don't recall a recent
buy now, instant purchase
(they make it so easy, too easy)

scissors in position
you point the blade into the black tape
pull the sharp point down the seam
such a satisfying motion and sound
next the two short sides

you bend the edges back to peer at the contents
the translucent air bubbles guard your view
the shadow of a book below

removing the barrier
it appears

today's #bookmail is a sweet surprise
a book celebrating is debut in the world
This is a School by John Schu and Veronica Miller Jamison
the results of a Twitter giveaway

a smile beams from your face
you open the cover and begin to read
a lovely story of a school community
this is one to be savored
one to be read over and over
year after year

it's the best kind of mail
It’s not everyday you receive #bookmail from THE Mr. Schu!!

One thing I look forward to every Sunday #SOL22 Day 27

I look forward to it every Sunday: The New York Times Book Review. I pull it out of the stack of papers without regard to the other sections; I can catch up on those parts later. It’s like eating your dessert first; no saving the best for last in regards to this.

I enjoy checking out new books that are coming out, noticing which books are at the top of the best-seller list (Can you say Colleen Hoover?), looking at the artistic last page (often a panel of interesting book quips).

But by far, my favorite part is the section called “By the Book.” In this section, they ask a different author the same set of questions each week. I chose a few of those questions to answer today.

What books are on your nightstand? Love By the Glass: Tasting Notes from a Marriage by Dorothy J. Gaiter and John Brecher, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

What is the last great book you read? A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum

Are there any classic novels that you only recently read for the first time? Call of the Wild; Harry Potter…still working on it.

Describe your ideal reading experience. On a beach with my feet in the soft white sand, a gentle breeze blowing, looking out over the ocean, sipping a yummy drink

You’re organizing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, dead or alive, do you invite? Mary Oliver, Jason Reynolds, Jacqueline Woodson

What do you plan to read next? It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover (from before mentioned best-seller list)

I would love to hear your answers to these questions!

My Happy Place #SOL22 Day 25

the invitation came after breakfast
coffee date after school?
a proposition I rarely turn down

a perfect parking spot found
one block from our favorite downtown coffee shop
a quick chilly and misty walk

the hand lettered chalkboard menu
with many options, but
I always stick with my love 
a rich, creamy latte 
in a "real" cup and saucer
with the signature seafoam Lucabe color

just enough left on our gift card
the tall table we favor open
settled in for an hour of
sipping and reading

easing into the weekend

A Bright Spot on a Rainy Day #SOL22 Day 18

The forcast looked like rain the whole day. We had a decision to make. Pack up and head home a day early, or stick it out and hope for a bit of dry weather.

We chose to stay. Even if it rained all day, we had books to read, basketball to watch, and computers to connect us to the school week ahead.

We lucked out with a few rain free hours in the morning to be outside. Walking, hot tubbing, and reading in the wind and clouds. I was scrolling Twitter with my headphones in preparing to listen to a podcast when I came across this tweet.

For the last two years, listening to Penny and Kelly has been a bright spot in my spring. They talk everything reading and writing throughout 30 conversations together. Sometimes they have guests, sometimes they let us take a peek into their notebooks, and sometimes they share what they are reading. Their conversations are always so rich; so relevant and so meaningful. I feel uplifted and hopeful after listening to them.

I immediately clicked on the padlet link and the YouTube video. After listening, I quickly added two books to my “Want to Read” list on Goodreads. I imagine I’ll be adding many more over the next 29 conversations.

Reading Life #SOL22 Day 13

I’m not a one book at a time type of person. I have no problem having multiple books going on at the same time. I have no problem starting books and abandoning them. There are just too many good books out there to read with rules. So here’s the list of books I’m currently reading—

This is my current book club selection, so it was immediately moved to the top of the stack. Our book club shares copies of the book we are reading, so we try to read pretty quickly and pass the book on to the next reader. I won’t have any trouble finishing this one in just a few days. It hooked me within the first 25 pages.

I’m working my way through every Mary Oliver book. I read a few poems every morning as a part of my morning routine. Today, I learned about gannets and whelks through her poetry about the natural world. Her poetry is very grounding and starts my day off with an awareness of the world around me. I am reminded to slow down, to “Pay attention. Be astonished. And tell about it.”

I was introduced to this book by my office mate. She thought it was a quick read, and something I would like. I’m really enjoying reading a chapter at a time when I am able. I’ve also started listening to her podcast “Ten Things to Tell You.”

I was a big fan of Writers and Lovers by Lily King, so when I saw her new book of short stories, I knew I needed to check it out. I quickly put it on hold at the library. When I received notice that it was ready for pick up, I rushed there to get it. Now I read a story every few days as I work through this book.

I’ve usually always got an audio book on the ready to listen to as I walk or clean. I often choose nonfiction or memoir for my audio books. For some reason I can stay focused on those better than fiction. Our high school girls cross country team did a book club with this book over the summer. They went on to win the state title. I immediately added it to my “to read” list. So many important themes in this memoir.

I sometimes feel like I’m the only educator who has never read Harry Potter. I’ve tried multiple times. I put it on my “20 for 20” list. Then my “21 for 21” list. Still didn’t read it. When one of our fifth grade classes formed a book club in order to read Harry Potter, I thought to myself, this will be the year. Nope, I’m about half way through, and I can’t finish it. I may abandon it forever and resign myself to the fact that I’m not a fantasy reader.

What We Leave Behind #SOL22 Day 10

Between Two Kingdoms by Suleika Jaouad–A must read for writers. Now out in paperback.

Between Two Kingdoms, by Suleika Jaouad is one of the best books I read last year. I was so inspired by it as a writer and a human. Suleika started a writing community during the pandemic call The Isolation Journals. I receive her weekly newsletter which always contains a writing prompt. Today, I’m writing to the prompt “What We Leave Behind” by Joy Juliet Bullen. The heart of this prompt is to find an old object or picture and examine it for clues about the person that left it behind or what might have been happening in the moment.

As a child, this is how I spent every Wednesday of the summer. A day on Lake Monroe. My dad’s pride and joy, Bubba, a 1967 Chris Craft, was given to him by his father when he was a teenager. It is a beautiful wooden boat that he has cared for by hand for over 50 years. It is not just a relic; it doesn’t just sit to be looked at. My dad takes it out and enjoys it. My parents now live on a lake, and Bubba is still running and gets noticed every time my dad putters around the lake in him.

Clues about the past in this picture:

  • Who is taking this picture? My Grandad. He was sitting on the back bench in the boat. He would often join us on our Wednesday boating trips. He was so proud of my dad and his love for water and this boat. I remember looking for geodes with Grandad. We would sink in the mud and at the banks and pull big out big geodes and try to get them back to the boat.
  • My dad is driving the boat. He was always the driver. Never my mom. Never my Grandad. Never my brother or I, even when we got older. That was his role.
  • My dad’s hair blowing in the wind. He was blessed with a full head of dark hair, and still has it to this day. My Grandad has been bald for as long as I can remember.
  • My mom’s hand has probably just pushed her hair back out of her eyes. Of course it was windy on our boat rides. I remember how tangly my hair would be after a day at the lake. Matted down from repeatedly getting in and out of the water, drying, getting wet again, blowing in the wind. It was a rat’s nest by the time we got home.
  • My brother and I lying face down on the motor box. We loved riding on the motor box. The vibration from the engine would lull us into a peaceful rest, sometimes even to sleep.
  • The strap from the scratchy orange life jackets. They were so uncomfortable, but it was the rule. You wore your life jacket on the boat when it was moving. I remember what a treat is was to take your life jacket off for lunch.
  • My feet curled over the back of the front seats. I can feel the sticky upholstery under my left foot and the cool sheet under my right foot.
  • The Mini Mouse towel behind my mom’s back. The polka dotted sheet draped over the front seat.
  • The leg of the ladder that hung along the back of the front seat. It was a challenge to get in and out of the boat. And we were always reminded to make sure the legs were out on the ladder or the boat would get scratched.

Boating with my family was a huge part of my childhood. I have such happy memories from it. My love of the sun and water was definitely a trait passed down from my parents.

This is my third year to participate in the Slice of Life Challenge. 31 days of writing about small moments in life. Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting this challenge