One thing I look forward to every Sunday #SOL22 Day 27

I look forward to it every Sunday: The New York Times Book Review. I pull it out of the stack of papers without regard to the other sections; I can catch up on those parts later. It’s like eating your dessert first; no saving the best for last in regards to this.

I enjoy checking out new books that are coming out, noticing which books are at the top of the best-seller list (Can you say Colleen Hoover?), looking at the artistic last page (often a panel of interesting book quips).

But by far, my favorite part is the section called “By the Book.” In this section, they ask a different author the same set of questions each week. I chose a few of those questions to answer today.

What books are on your nightstand? Love By the Glass: Tasting Notes from a Marriage by Dorothy J. Gaiter and John Brecher, Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

What is the last great book you read? A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum

Are there any classic novels that you only recently read for the first time? Call of the Wild; Harry Potter…still working on it.

Describe your ideal reading experience. On a beach with my feet in the soft white sand, a gentle breeze blowing, looking out over the ocean, sipping a yummy drink

You’re organizing a literary dinner party. Which three writers, dead or alive, do you invite? Mary Oliver, Jason Reynolds, Jacqueline Woodson

What do you plan to read next? It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover (from before mentioned best-seller list)

I would love to hear your answers to these questions!

9 thoughts on “One thing I look forward to every Sunday #SOL22 Day 27

  1. These are fun questions! Not sure I can answer all of them, but I just finished the last book in a series that starts with The Invisible Library. Adventurous librarians and magical worlds–so fun! Next is probably my book club book: The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I’m going to keep thinking about who I’d invite to a dinner party–that’s a fun question to ponder!

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  2. Oh my! 1) I love that you get the NYT delivered. I am so jealous and love how you described the book section as eating dessert first…yesssss
    2) I am totally borrowing these questions for my notebook! I absolutely love who you would invite to dinner (if you find a way to make this happen invite me to *wink)
    Thank you for sharing these questions and your answers.


    • I would definitely invite you!

      I feel like it’s kind of a splurge…$20 a month to get all digital access and the Sunday “real” paper.

      Have fun with them in your notebook!


  3. Hooray for the NYT – I used to love the At Home section. Her’s
    1.Last great reads: Nic Stone’s Fast Pitch and Sharon Draper’s Out of My Heart.
    2. Classics? I tried Great Gatsby, but abandoned it.
    3. Ideal reading experience. On the couch (cold days) with a fire in the fireplace. On the deck (warm days).
    4. Literary dinner party: I’m inviting Jason Reynolds, too! Also Sharon Draper and Meg Medina.
    5. Currently reading Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover (because someone donated it to my Little Free Library) and I’m waiting for It Ends With Us from the library.

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  4. I want to come to that dinner party too! Fantastic choice of guests. I feel like Jason Reynolds would be an ideal guest with any other combination of writers. A physical copy of the Sunday Times = goals. I’m borrowing your idea for my post today–thanks for the inspiration!

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