Willingness to Help #SOL22 Day 24

She’s always there–rain, shine, wind, snow, sleet, sun. Dressed for the weather, which has been rain boots, a rain suit, and an umbrella most of this week. She hustles out to the road with her lit up stop sign to usher me across the street busy with morning school traffic. She is Peg, my crossing guard.

I live right across the street from my school, hence the blog name “oneblessedblock.” Much of my life takes place in the block that is my home and school. I enjoy the ease of my morning commute. Peg and I exchange pleasantries every day. We talk about weekend plans and the weather. We gasp at beautiful sunrises and complain about ice cold temperatures.

Yesterday, she stopped me to let me know she would be gone for the next ten weeks. By the time she returns we will be out of school for the summer. Peg is hopeful she will be assigned to my cross streets again next year, and we can resume our casual friendship arranged by our daily circumstances.

She went on to tell me the reason for her absence. She is traveling to Poland. In Poland is a school she helped start which now holds 150 Ukrainian refugees. A need has arisen and she is risking her own safety to go help. As we parted ways for the morning, I offered her positive thoughts and prayers for safe travels and that her actions will make a difference. We both acknowledged that she will be blessed just as much as she blesses others.

I walked the remaining steps to school with a tear in my eye. I was so touched at her kindness and her willingness to be available to help those in need. I will continue to pray for Peg and hope to hear more of her work in Poland.

8 thoughts on “Willingness to Help #SOL22 Day 24

  1. She is truly a blessing! Imagine – “she is risking her own safety to go help.” Keeping her in my prayers. Thank you for sharing this story!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This post gave me the chills. What a special woman Peg must be. I love the way your story unfolded and I thought perhaps Peg was going to have surgery of some kind. Never did I expect to hear that she was going to Poland. A true human-interest story. I’ll keep Peg in my heart and prayers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I really enjoyed this post. It is warm and heartfelt. I also love knowing the direct connection to your name and the blogs name… So clever. I will send virtual support to your friend in hopes that she is safe as she positively impacts those around her.


    • As I’ve been learning from others in this SOL, I’ve noticed a lot of “About Me” sections. I need to add that to my blog. I’ll be working on that after the challenge is over. It would probably be nice to know that connection right away! P.S. I just stumbled on to your Pizzo’s Paperbacks website. I will be checking out all the details on that! You are so inspiring and have so much to offer! I can’t wait to learn more from you!


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