Maybe Soon #SOL22 Day 22

I saw him walking down the hall to throw his breakfast bag away.

“Hey, there Mr. Sam!” Sam and I had spent some time together recently working through some reading assessments and putting together a plan for a daily intervention.

“Are you going to pull me today? he asked. His bright blue eyes and long eyelashes pleaded with me.

“No, today, but maybe soon,” I replied trying to give him the illusion that it was possible.

He gave me a hopeful look. I sighed silently knowing my day was booked, and the next few days were equally as hectic.

Unfortunately, much of my work with students is for short periods of time, and then I must move on to the next project. I don’t have the heart the tell them we won’t work together again, so I string them along with maybes, not todays, and hopefully soons.

Maybe soon can be tomorrow with Sam. I could stop by and spend 5 minutes with him to check his progress. It would make both of our hearts happy!

2 thoughts on “Maybe Soon #SOL22 Day 22

  1. This line was so powerful to me: “I don’t have the heart the tell them we won’t work together again, so I string them along with maybes, not todays, and hopefully soons. ” I hope your plan works out and you’re indeed able to meet with him for a little bit.

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