Pink Little Pill #SOL22 Day 9

I opened the bottle and there was one lone pink little pill hiding in the very bottom. Josie, my almost 13 year old yellow lab, is on a daily thyroid pill. Why do I always let it get to this point? I want to be the kind of person who is more intentional, more organized. Someone who calls the vet when there are about 2 weeks worth of pills left to get a refill. Someone who is not always rushing around at the final hour to get things down. I knew I didn’t have time to run up to the vet’s office to get a refill today. And, when I did have time on Friday, I had called and the office was closed. I shoved the pill into the back of her cheek followed by her “chewy” pill for her joint health. She choked them down.

Then I remembered! Sometimes, she manages to spit her pink little pill out, and I find them around the house. I remember seeing one in the corner of the laundry room behind her dog bed. Is it still there? I rummaged around under the edges of her well worn, flattened dog bed. There it was! One more pink little pill. I added it to the bottle, and now I am set for one more day. I must call the vet today! (unless I know of one more place where there might be a discarded pink little pill)

This is my third year to participate in the Slice of Life Challenge. 31 days of writing about small moments in life. Thank you to the Two Writing Teachers for hosting this challenge

2 thoughts on “Pink Little Pill #SOL22 Day 9

  1. This story took a few turns I wasn’t expecting–the fact that the pills were for your dog, and that you might find an un-swallowed one somewhere in the house. The latter shows that you know your canine companion well!

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