Trees #SOL21

Inspired by Janeen Pizzo, I gave a go to my own Pantoum poem.

The tress, they stand through it all
A new fresh start every year
Shaking off the winter gloom
Green emerges, new life

A new fresh start every year
Blazing summer heat drips from your leaves
Green emerges, new life
A place for solitude and rest

Blazing summer heat drips from your leaves
Changing right before our eyes
A place for solitude and rest
You shed your coat of many colors

Changing right before our eyes
A skeleton of what you once were, strong and mighty
You shed your coat of many colors
The trees, they stand through it all

5 thoughts on “Trees #SOL21

  1. Oh my gosh!!!!πŸ™Œ πŸ™Œ This transformation through the seasons, in this style of poetry is pure genius! I absolutely loved reading the progression and it’s one of my favorite forms of poetry! Thanks for the shout out and rockstar slice πŸ’›


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