Silver Linings #sol20

I’m writing my first phone post using the WordPress app due to the fact that my internet is down at the moment. It’s ironic that I sat down to write a post about the silver linings during this challenging time, and I have to deal with the frustration of my internet not working. But even that won’t damped my spirits.

I’m looking for silver linings (I think I heard that phrase from Kelly Gallagher). And I keep finding them. The last two days have been particularly full of them.

  • Last night, I heard the dishes clanging in the kitchen. My son without prompting was unloading the dish washer. I can’t tell you the last time this happened, if ever. I yelled, “Is this one if your elearning assignments?” “Nope,” he replied.
  • My husband and I started watching our first ever Netflix show. We watched the first episode last night. Today we’ve already talked about watching another episode later. It’s fun to have something new to do together.
  • A colleague introduced me to the Marco Polo app. I have connected with high school friends, my mother in law, a friend’s mom who is out of state, and more. It has warmed my heart to see their faces and hear their video messages.
  • My daughter has organized themed google hangouts with her college friends she is missing. Tonight is western night and she came down in her plain shirt and cowboy hat ready for her virtual party.

Silver linings are everywhere if we stop to notice. I don’t ever want to downplay the tragedy of this virus, the many families that are losing loved ones, the financial hardships many are enduring. But, I do think there are many things about our world that are changing for the better. And I need to hold on to that right now.

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